Rohini Sen
Rohini Sen is an Assistant Professor, Assistant Dean (International Collaborations) and Assistant Director, Centre for Human Rights Studies at the Jindal Global Law School, O.P Jindal Global University. Rohini has obtained an LL.M. in International Law from the University of Leeds and an Undergraduate Degree of B.Sc LLB Law from Gujarat National Law University. She is pursuing her PhD from the School of Law, University of Warwick as a Chancellor’s Scholar.
She teaches as a Visiting Faculty Member in various institutes in India and has been a recipient of the VLIR-UOS Scholarship to work with the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies in the EU and Human Rights FRAME project. She is an editorial board member of the Emerging Scholars Forum (ESF) of Global Perspectives.
Her broad research interests are Critical International Law, pedagogy, post-colonial feminism, queer theory, Marxism and intersection of international law and history. Her current research focuses on:
- Critical pedagogy and its dialogical relationship with the pedagogue and the discipline of critical international law.
- Formal and informal barriers to the workings of Sexual Harassment Committees in Indian Higher Education Institutes.
- rsen@jgu.edu.in

Dr Dadhi Adhikari
Dr Dadhi Adhikari is a director and economist at the Nepal based think tank South Asian Institute for Policy Analysis and Leadership (SAIPAL). He did his PhD in Resource and Environmental economics from the USA. He also holds a master’s degree in development and resource economics from Norway. He has several years of experience in teaching economics at Tribhuvan University. His primary areas of interest are natural resource, environment, public, and development economics.
- dadhinp@gmail.com

Dr Thamil Venthan Ananthavinayagan
Dr. Thamil Venthan Ananthavinayagan, LLM. (Maastricht University), PhD (NUI Galway) is a lecturer for international law, international humanitarian law and international criminal law at Griffith College Dublin since September 2017. Prior to this lectureship at GCD, he worked as a Fellow and research assistant to the Irish Centre for Human Rights in Galway, Ireland. His doctoral research focused on the engagement of Sri Lanka with the United Nations human rights machinery. Before his occupation at the Irish Centre for Human Rights, he studied law at the universities of Bonn and Marburg (Germany). Subsequently, he had worked at different research institutions, universities, politicians and policy-makers in Düsseldorf and Berlin, Germany. Finally, he worked as a junior lawyer for the tenants’ association in Bonn, Germany. He has presented papers and delivered guest lectures at think tanks, international organisations and universities in, inter alia, Braga, Dublin, Edinburgh, Galway, Geneva, London, New Delhi, Padova, Seattle, Seoul, Singapore, Kathmandu. He has a research interest in (post)-colonial studies in international law, Critical Race Theory, Third World Approaches to International Law, racism and fascism in international law and critical approaches to international humanitarian law.
- thamil.ananthavinayagan@griffith.ie

Ravi Prakash Vyas
Ravi Prakash Vyas is an Assistant Professor of International law and Human Rights at Kathmandu School of Law. He holds a Master’s in Human Rights and Democratisation from the University of Sydney and an Undergraduate Degree of Law from India. The member of the Global Campus Council and programme coordinator of the Asia Pacific Master’s in Human Rights and Democratisation, he previously worked as a consultant (proceedings) at the National Human Rights Commission of India.
He is has practised litigation in the Honorable Supreme Court of India and was appointed Amicus Curiae by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India to assist in the case relating to NDPS Act, 1985 in State of Himachal Pradesh v. Sunil Kumar (2014) 4 SCC 780.
He is also the Executive Director at the Asian Association of Law Professors and Managing Editor of Kathmandu School of Law Review.
- rpvyas@ksl.edu.np